

Game breakdown: Space Shooter.

Objects:            Window || Game space || Player || Enemy || Bullet || Score

States:               Loading state || Game state || Options state

Enemy states:    Moving || Moving and shooting || Kamikaze

What is this about?

We have been given an assignment where we are to build a replica of an older game. I and my assignment partner decided to do a replica of an old space shooter (Tyrian). The game includes a regenerating shield but we decided to break it down and get the basics done before we add something like a shield.

But to start with we have to get a window working properly. And then get the screen to actually draw something. To do this the program needs a sprite manger and a draw manager.

Then to get the sprite to move as we please we need an input manager and to do that we need a class or a method that can handle vectors because all the objects will have a vector to tell them where and how fast they’ll travel.

To get the entities on the screen to affect each other, we need to have a collider. And we also have to get a higher level of game objects because we don’t want the player to collide with the background.

To get the player and enemies to shoot we need another input which spawns “bullets” with the same direction as the player/enemy. What we have to make sure is that the bullets spawns just outside the players/enemy’s collision area or make a kind of exception for the bullet collision depending from whom it was shot.

We have set up a basic time scheme over the progress:

Week Tasks Remember Done?


Window/Player BLOG  


Sprite/level BLOG


Enemies, Collision BLOG


Music/States BLOG


Polish/Particle effect BLOG


Report BLOG

The polish week is mainly to eliminate memory leaks but also to add stuff like particle effect. We have also mentioned a gravity obstacle which would suck the player into it. But this is as said on the polish week and will be added if there’s time.